
ブルースの歴史09 デルタブルース番外2 – ロニー・ジョンソン Lonnie Johnson

220px-LonnieJohnsonByRussellLee1941CropAlonzo "Lonnie" Johnson (February 8, 1899[1][2] – June 16, 1970) was an American blues and jazz singer, guitarist, violinist and songwriter. He was a pioneer of jazz guitar and jazz violin and is recognized as the first to play an electrically amplified violin.[3][4]


The Very Best of Lonnie Johnson

1. I Am So Glad
2. What A Woman

3. Tomorrow Night

4. Friendless Blues

5. I Want My Baby

6. What A Real Woman

7. Fallin’ Rain Blues

8. Feeling Low Down

9. Drunk Again

10. Jelly Roll Baker

11. Working Man’s Blues

12. Chicago Blues

13. Feel So Lonesome

14. Tell Me Little Woman

15. Backwater Blues

16. Careless Love

17. She’s So Sweet

18. Trouble Ain’t Nothin’ But The Blues

19. Little Rockin’ Chair

20. Nothin’ Clickin’ Chicken

21. Nothing But Trouble

22. Me And My Crazy Self

23. Seven Long Days

24. Just Another Day
25. You Can’t Buy Love

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